Multiplex Models

As you will probably note from the number of Multiplex models reviewed below, I am a real fan of Multiplex. I taught myself to fly with a Multiplex EasyStar and found the Elapor foam so resilent that I was sold. I've had some spectacular crashes with several of their models and in almost every case, the model has lived to fly again. If you are a beginner or tend to be a little accident prone, you've got to try a Multiplex model.


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I had been thinking about a sail plane for a bit over a year. I’d looked at the Multiplex Easy Glider but always seemed to have something else to do or spend money on. After an unusual (for me) weekday morning at the flying field where one of the club members had a electric powered glider, I decided to pull the trigger.

Read more: Easy Glider Pro Build Log


The Easy Star from Multiplex is on just about everyone’s short list of great first planes. An electric model, it comes in three forms -- kit, receiver ready and RTF (Ready to Fly).

Read more: Easy Star

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There is something about models and making changes to them that motivates many modelers. I tend to think about it like the Tim Allen “more power” attitude on the popular past TV show. On the E Zone internet discussion group there are huge numbers of comments on upgrades to the Easy Star. So… why not?

Read more: Easy Star Brushless Upgrade

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As reviewed here in RCPlaneviews, I've had and enjoyed the Mulitplex Twinjet until it's unfortunate demise. As the Funjets were going on clearance after the roll-out of the Funjet Ultra I picked one up for a good price. It sat a while in the building queue but at long last it was time to put the thing together.


Read more: Funjet

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I’ve had the opportunity to fly the Gemini for a while now so it’s time for a review. I’ve had the build log posted for a while already so this review will focus primarily on my reactions to the model as part of the airplanes in my hangar.

Read more: Gemini

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Opening the Gemini’s box I suspected I’d be in for a great building experience. While it looked like most Multiplex boxes from the outside, the inside proved different. Fitted inside the box was a large foam tray with each of the major components fitted neatly into a support structure. Needless to say, nothing was broken.

Read more: Gemini Build Log


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